Bitcoin ABC 0.18.0
Bitcoin ABC version 0.18.0 is now available from:
This release includes the following features and fixes:
- Remove the bip9params configuration.
- Remove the bip9_softforks result from the getblockchaininfo RPC call.
- Remove the rules, vbavailable and vbrequired result from the getblocktemplate RPC call.
- Remove the rules argument from the getblocktemplate RPC call.
- Log difference between block header time and received time when competing blocks are received for the same chain height.
- Bump automatic replay protection to May 2019 upgrade.
- Remove topological ordering constraint from blocks starting Nov, 15 2018.
- Implement canonical transaction order, enforced Nov, 15 2018.
- Add OP_CHECKDATASIG and OP_CHECKDATASIGVERIFY, activates Nov, 15 2018.
- Enforce minimum transaction size of 100 bytes, starting Nov, 15 2018.
- Enforce PUSH ONLY rule for scriptSig, starting Nov, 15 2018.
- Enforce CLEANSTACK rule, starting Nov 15, 2018.