JSON-RPC command
submitblocklight "hexdata" "job_id"
Attempts to submit a new block to network, based on a previous call to getblocktemplatelight.
See the getblocktemplatelight spec in the doc folder for full specification.
1. hexdata (string, required) The hex-encoded block data to submit. The block must have exactly 1 transaction (coinbase). Additional transactions (if any) are appended from the light template.
2. job_id (string, required) Identifier of the light template from which to retrieve the non-coinbase transactions. This job_id must be obtained from a previous call to getblocktemplatelight.
> bitcoin-cli submitblocklight "mydata" "myjobid"
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "submitblocklight", "params": ["mydata", "myjobid"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
Bitcoin Cash Node Daemon version v28.0.2-6435609
Documentation on reflects the current master branch in Git, and may include API changes that are not yet present in the latest release.