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sendtoaddress JSON-RPC command

sendtoaddress "address" amount ( "comment" "comment_to" subtractfeefromamount coinsel include_unsafe )

Send an amount to a given address.


1. "address"                (string, required) The Bitcoin Cash address to send to.
2. amount                   (numeric or string, required) The amount in BCH to send. eg 0.1
3. "comment"                (string, optional) A comment used to store what the transaction is for.
                            This is not part of the transaction, just kept in your wallet.
4. "comment_to"             (string, optional) A comment to store the name of the person or organization
                            to which you're sending the transaction. This is not part of the
                            transaction, just kept in your wallet.
5. subtractfeefromamount    (boolean, optional, default=false) The fee will be deducted from the amount being sent.
                            The recipient will receive less bitcoins than you enter in the amount field.
6. coinsel                  (numeric, optional, default=0) Which coin selection algorithm to use. A value of 1 will use a faster algorithm suitable for stress tests or use with large wallets. This algorithm is likely to produce larger transactions on average.0 is a slower algorithm using BNB and a knapsack solver, butwhich can produce transactions with slightly better privacy and smaller transaction sizes. Values other than 0 or 1 are reservedfor future algorithms.
7. include_unsafe           (boolean, optional, default=false) Include inputs that are not safe to spend (unconfirmed transactions from outside keys).
                            Warning: the resulting transaction may become invalid if one of the unsafe inputs disappears.
                            If that happens, you will need to fund the transaction with different inputs and republish it.


"txid"                  (string) The transaction id.


> bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress "1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd" 0.1
> bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress "1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd" 0.1 "donation" "seans outpost"
> bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress "1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd" 0.1 "" "" true
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "sendtoaddress", "params": ["1M72Sfpbz1BPpXFHz9m3CdqATR44Jvaydd", 0.1, "donation", "seans outpost"] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Bitcoin Cash Node Daemon version v28.0.2-6435609

Documentation on reflects the current master branch in Git, and may include API changes that are not yet present in the latest release.