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getreceivedbyaddress JSON-RPC command

getreceivedbyaddress "address" ( minconf )

Returns the total amount received by the given address in transactions with at least minconf confirmations.


1. "address"    (string, required) The Bitcoin Cash address for transactions.
2. minconf      (numeric, optional, default=1) Only include transactions confirmed at least this many times.


amount   (numeric) The total amount in BCH received at this address.


The amount from transactions with at least 1 confirmation
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX"

The amount including unconfirmed transactions, zero confirmations
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX" 0

The amount with at least 6 confirmations
> bitcoin-cli getreceivedbyaddress "1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX" 6

As a JSON-RPC call
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getreceivedbyaddress", "params": ["1D1ZrZNe3JUo7ZycKEYQQiQAWd9y54F4XX", 6] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Bitcoin Cash Node Daemon version v28.0.2-6435609

Documentation on reflects the current master branch in Git, and may include API changes that are not yet present in the latest release.