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getpeerinfo JSON-RPC command


Returns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.


    "id": n,                        (numeric) Peer index
    "addr":"host:port",             (string) The IP address and port of the peer
    "addrbind":"ip:port",           (string) Bind address of the connection to the peer
    "addrlocal":"ip:port",          (string) Local address as reported by the peer
    "mapped_as":"mapped_as",        (string) The AS in the BGP route to the peer used for diversifying peer selection (only available if the asmap config flag is set)
    "services":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",  (string) The services offered
    "relaytxes":true|false,         (boolean) Whether peer has asked us to relay transactions to it
    "lastsend": ttt,                (numeric) The time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT) of the last send
    "lastrecv": ttt,                (numeric) The time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT) of the last receive
    "bytessent": n,                 (numeric) The total bytes sent
    "bytesrecv": n,                 (numeric) The total bytes received
    "conntime": ttt,                (numeric) The connection time in seconds since epoch (Jan 1 1970 GMT)
    "timeoffset": ttt,              (numeric) The time offset in seconds
    "pingtime": n,                  (numeric) ping time (if available)
    "minping": n,                   (numeric) minimum observed ping time (if any at all)
    "pingwait": n,                  (numeric) ping wait (if non-zero)
    "version": v,                   (numeric) The peer version, such as 70001
    "subver": "/Satoshi:0.8.5/",    (string) The string version
    "inbound": true|false,          (boolean) Inbound (true) or Outbound (false)
    "bip152_hb_to": true|false,     (boolean) Whether we selected peer as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer
    "bip152_hb_from": true|false,   (boolean) Whether peer selected us as (compact blocks) high-bandwidth peer
    "addnode": true|false,          (boolean) Whether connection was due to addnode/-connect or if it was an automatic/inbound connection
    "startingheight": n,            (numeric) The starting height (block) of the peer
    "banscore": n,                  (numeric) The ban score
    "synced_headers": n,            (numeric) The last header we have in common with this peer
    "synced_blocks": n,             (numeric) The last block we have in common with this peer
    "inflight": [
       n,                           (numeric) The heights of blocks we're currently asking from this peer
    "addr_processed": n,            (numeric) The total number of addresses processed, excluding those dropped due to rate limiting
    "addr_rate_limited": n,         (numeric) The total number of addresses dropped due to rate limiting
    "whitelisted": true|false,      (boolean) Whether the peer is whitelisted
    "minfeefilter": n,              (numeric) The minimum fee rate for transactions this peer accepts
    "bytessent_per_msg": {
       "addr": n,                   (numeric) The total bytes sent aggregated by message type
    "bytesrecv_per_msg": {
       "addr": n,                   (numeric) The total bytes received aggregated by message type


> bitcoin-cli getpeerinfo
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getpeerinfo", "params": [] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'

Bitcoin Cash Node Daemon version v28.0.2-6435609

Documentation on reflects the current master branch in Git, and may include API changes that are not yet present in the latest release.