JSON-RPC command
getdsproof "dspid_or_txid_or_outpoint" ( verbosity recursive )
Get information for a double-spend proof.
1. dspid_or_txid_or_outpoint (string, required) The dspid, txid, or output point associated with the double-spend proof you wish to retrieve. Outpoints should be specified as a json object containing keys "txid" (string) and "vout" (numeric).
2. verbosity (numeric, optional, default=2) Values 0-3 return progressively more information for each increase in verbosity. This option may also be specified as a boolean where false is the same as verbosity=0 and true is verbosity=2.
3. recursive (boolean, optional, default=true) If doing a lookup by txid, then search for a double-spend proof for all in-mempool ancestors of txid as well. This option is ignored if not searching by txid.
Result (for verbosity = 0, 1, false)
{ (json object)
"hex" : "xx", (string) The raw serialized double-spend proof data.
"txid" : "xx" (string) The txid of the transaction associated with this double-spend. May be null for "orphan" double-spend proofs.
Result (for verbosity = 2, true)
{ (json object)
"dspid" : "xx", (string) Double-spend proof ID as a hex string.
"txid" : "xx", (string) The txid of the transaction associated with this double-spend. May be null for "orphan" double-spend proofs.
"outpoint" : (json object) The previous output (coin) that is being double-spent.
"txid" : "xx", (string) The previous output txid.
"vout" : n , (numeric) The previous output index number.
Result (additional keys if verbosity >= 1 and there is a non-orphan result)
"descendants" : (json array of string) Set of all descendants of the double-spend tx, including the double-spend tx.
"txid" : (string) Txid hex.
, ...
Result (additional keys if searching by txid and recursive = true)
"path" : (json array of string) Path from the query tx leading up to and including the double-spend tx.
"txid" : (string) Txid hex, ordered by by child->parent.
, ...
Result (additional keys for verbosity = 3)
"spenders" : (json array of object) The conflicting spends.
{ (json object)
"txversion" : n, (numeric) Transaction version number.
"sequence" : n, (numeric) Script sequence number.
"locktime" : n, (numeric) Spending tx locktime.
"hashprevoutputs" : "xx", (string) Hash of the previous outputs.
"hashsequence" : "xx", (string) Hash of the sequence.
"hashoutputs" : "xx", (string) Hash of the outputs.
"pushdata" : (json object) Script signature push data.
"asm" : "xx", (string) Script assembly representation.
"hex" : "xx" (string) Script hex.
}, ...
> bitcoin-cli getdsproof d3aac244e46f4bc5e2140a07496a179624b42d12600bfeafc358154ec89a720c false
> bitcoin-cli getdsproof fb5ae5344cb6995e529201fe24247ac38452f4e5ab5669b649e935853a7a180a
> bitcoin-cli getdsproof fb5ae5344cb6995e529201fe24247ac38452f4e5ab5669b649e935853a7a180a true true
> bitcoin-cli getdsproof fb5ae5344cb6995e529201fe24247ac38452f4e5ab5669b649e935853a7a180a 1 false
> bitcoin-cli getdsproof '{"txid": "e66c1848fd3268a7d1cfac833f9164057805cc9b22ea5521d36dc4cf63f5fe83", "vout": 0}' true
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getdsproof", "params": ["fb5ae5344cb6995e529201fe24247ac38452f4e5ab5669b649e935853a7a180a", true, false] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
> curl --user myusername --data-binary '{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"curltest", "method": "getdsproof", "params": [{"txid": "e66c1848fd3268a7d1cfac833f9164057805cc9b22ea5521d36dc4cf63f5fe83", "vout": 0}, true] }' -H 'content-type: text/plain;'
Bitcoin Cash Node Daemon version v28.0.2-6435609
Documentation on reflects the current master branch in Git, and may include API changes that are not yet present in the latest release.